2027 All Class Reunion
Join the Team! The eighth Soaring Eagle Induction Ceremony and All Class Reunion is scheduled for July 24, 2027.
We have been proud of these events held in 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021 and 2024. We have had thousands of ZCHS alumni and guests attend over the years for a day and evening visiting with long lost friends and enjoying food, libations, music and fun.
It takes many, many volunteers to plan and organize ZCHS Tours, the "Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame" Induction Ceremony on that Saturday afternoon before the Reunion, and get the word out to dear friends across the country. The "Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame" is not to be missed, always well received and one of the many ways the ZAA honor those who have served our schools and the community.
Please consider joining the ZAA as we look to new projects and programs in 2025 and beyond to our ZAA Members and support Zionsville Community Schools. Contact us anytime at zionsvillealumni@gmail.com
Thank you,
Tim Ottinger
Zionsville Alumni Association