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Soaring Eagle Nomination Requirements

The Zionsville Alumni Association’s SEHOF was established in July 2005 to honor ZCHS alumni, faculty and administration of Zionsville Community Schools who have made exceptional achievements in their field or unique contributions to Zionsville schools, community, and society.


Zionsville Alumni Association Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame Inductee Nominations Requirements

Eligibility for inductee nomination to the Zionsville Alumni Association Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame (SEHOF) includes any graduate and student of Zionsville Community High School after ten years from time of graduation.  Also eligible are Zionsville school’s faculty, administration, and staff immediately upon their retirement from their position at Zionsville schools.


This induction ceremony coincides the same day with the Zionsville Alumni Association’s All Class Reunion, which occurs every three years. The next SEHOF Induction Ceremony is planned to be held on July 24, 2027 from 2:00-3:30 at the Zionsville Community High School.


A minimum of five inductees, living and posthumously; will be selected by a five member nominating committee made up of school alumni and community members. Not every person nominated can be selected for the SEHOF. Nominees who are not selected in one year may be nominated again.


Nominations are accepted from any individuals as well as faculty, students, graduates, ZAA members or the SEHOF committee members.


All nominee applications are to be delivered by email, mail or hand delivered to Ralph W. Stacy, SEHOF Chair by April 16, 2027. The candidates will be selected in June and those who submitted will be notified with a request to finalize their biography and provide two photographs, past and present, for the SEHOF Induction Ceremony and program materials.



Please submit the following information to be received by April 16, 2027 to Ralph Stacy.
(See contact information below)

  • Complete name of nominee for Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame Award

  • Immediate family background

  • Year graduated or years of service to ZCS if teacher, coach or staff

  • Current mailing address, phone and email of nominee, if living

  • Name of nominator (Not an immediate family member please), contact information and interest in being the presenter if your nominee is chosen

  • Factual information explaining the reason for nomination or aspects for recognition. See (Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame Recipient biographies on the prior website page for examples):

    • public/community service business/career

    • academic, school administration, athletic related

    • military, government, municipal service

    • cultural/arts

    • charitable philanthropy

    • contributions to Zionsville schools/students.


2024 SEHOF Nominations must be received by April 16, 2027 to:


Mr. Ralph W. Stacy
Chair, ZAA Soaring Eagle Hall of Fame

Mobile: 317-650-4662
Residence: 317-873-3792
60 S Second Street
Zionsville, IN 46077


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